Thoughts by Another Human
Thoughts by Another Human
episode #7: the nitty gritty of health & the body
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episode #7: the nitty gritty of health & the body

the four humors ( apothecary podcast)
“Pandemic emergency, global shutdown, and the scariest time in America since 9/11”. March 16-29, 2020

Given the choice (which we always have), would you rather work with Nature or work against Nature?

With the amount of shit we've had to deal with, especially these last several years, it seems we've been working against Nature for quite a while.

Was it working with Nature to keep ourselves locked inside and isolated, or against?

Is it working with Nature to dismiss our reason and intuition and only rely on perceived authorities, or against?

Is it working with Nature to maintain our health through lab-created synthetics, or against?

For those looking to work with Nature (like myself), when it comes to maintaining your health, it means balancing your body and living a life that supports that balance. Unfortunately, modern medicine lacks the holistic approach needed to fully balance and support balance, but where modern medicine lacks, traditional holistic healing systems conquer and thrive.

In my previous episodes, we talked about traditional holistic healing systems, particularly Traditional Western Medicine and how it’s rooted in the understanding of how we as humans as a whole relate and respond to the environment around us, as well as how we function to ensure health and well-being.

We dove into the Seven Natural Things that constitute the nature of human beings, to which all need to be in balance in order for health and vitality (according to Traditional Western Medicine).

The first of the Seven Natural Things is the basic makeup of all that is the universe: the Four Elements.

  • Air

  • Fire

  • Earth

  • Water

The second of the Seven Natural Things are the primary components of the human body in reflection of the four elements. These are the Four Humors; Hippocrates's specialty.

The Four Humors, or the vital fluids, are the metabolic agents of the Four Elements; they are responsible for the nutrition, growth, and metabolism of our bodies, which means the balance of the Four Humors is extremely important to maintaining health.

The Four Humors and their reflective elements are:

  • Blood = Air

  • Phlegm = Water

  • Yellow Bile = Fire

  • Black Bile = Earth

All Four Humors are present in the bloodstream, but they originate in the liver during the digestive process.

Blood, or the Sanguine humor:

This is the red, hemoglobin-rich portion that’s the first to arise during the second stage of digestion. (There are four stages of digestion, which I'll get into in another episode.) Blood is made of nourishment perfectly digested and receives the richest portion of nutrients. It enters the general circulation of the body and is the very essence of vitality and health. This is where the saying, “you are what you eat”, comes from. Blood’s chief functions are to give life and power cellular metabolism. Like Air, it is Hot and Moist.

Phlegm, or the Phlegmatic humor:

This is the clear plasma that’s the second to arise during the second stage of digestion.The Phlegmatic humor is not only phlegm, but also mucus, saliva, lymph, and other clear fluids. Phlegm is made of nourishment not perfectly digested and receives the next richest portion of nutrients, which then enters into the general circulation. Its chief functions are to cool down excessive heat in the body, moisten and lubricate moving parts, and nourish the body by flushing out impurities and waste. Like Water, it is Cold and Moist.

Yellow Bile, or the Choleric humor:

This is the yellowish residue that’s the third to arise during the second stage of digestion. It receives a poor portion of nutrients and is mainly stored in the gallbladder to be used as needed, with only a little bit entering the general circulation. It’s made of nourishment more than perfectly digested and small amounts of yellow bile help thin the blood to facilitate its passage through the smallest of channels in the body. Its chief functions are to power digestion, metabolize and transform substances to produce and release energy, cleanse the bowels of food residue, and stimulate defecation. Like Fire, it is Hot and Dry.

Black Bile, or the Melancholic humor:

This is the dark sediment of blood cells and platelets that’s the last to arise during the second stage of digestion. It receives the poorest portion of nutrients and is mainly stored in the spleen to be used when needed, with only the slightest bit entering the general circulation. It’s made of blood sediment and small traces of it help thicken the blood to give it stamina, density, and consistency, as well as enable it to clot. Its chief functions are to stimulate the appetite, solidify stool, strengthen the stomach to hold onto food until properly digested, and govern the formation and repairment of bones, tissues and nerves in the body. Like Earth, it is Cold and Dry.

Phew that was a lot of info huh?!

We are getting into the nitty gritty of health and the body, but it’s important to know as the Four Humors are key to proper health and vitality (again, according to Traditional Holistic Medicine). Not only are they physical substances in the body, but they also have psychological effects from their vapors — effecting the body as well as the mind, thoughts, and emotions.

  • Blood, or Sanguine humor: promotes joy, enthusiasm, love, optimism and well-being.

  • Phlegm, or Phlegmatic humor: induces sluggishness, sensitivity, passivity and emotionalism.

  • Yellow Bile, or Choleric humor: induces anger, irritability, passion, courage and jealousy.

  • Black Bile, or Melancholic humor: promotes pragmatism, pessimism, melancholy, caution and introversion.

We all have a varying balance of humors and qualities that are unique to us. This varying balance produces who we are on a physical, physiological, and personal level, known as our temperament.

If you know your temperament, you’ll know exactly how to maintain your health (again, according to Traditional Western Medicine).

Are you ready to discover your temperament?

Song I feel jives well with this episode:

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