☾ Waning Crescent in Aquarius
Cloudy Evening 42º in Boston
What were you made for?
This Billie Eilish song has been in my head all day, her melodic voice calling out, stirring up questions in my mind.
What was I made for?
Meditate on that for a second (or a few).
Were you made to be part of a system that only cares about what you produce for it? Or were you made to do something great?
I was made to create a difference. To shine a light on the beauty of the world. To serve others in the best way I can.
I, just like you, was made out of beauty, out of the magnificent power of the Creator, so naturally, we too are meant to create beautiful, magnificent things.
The world is ready for your creations.
Are you?
Eb ☀️
☾: “you might even run the risk of thinking so much that you neglect your feeling nature”