☾ Waning Crescent in Aquarius
Sunny Day 46º in Boston
It’s crazy how a two minute conversation with a stranger can uplift your mood so much.
It’s something you don’t anticipate, in fact, you were even dreading showing your face in public.
But it starts with a smile and ends with you feeling validated and heard… suddenly those depressing thoughts swirling through your head are still for a moment, and in their place is the feeling of hope.
Even if it’s just for a moment, you feel okay again.
People have NO idea what others are going through, no clue someone could be dealing with something so heavy in their heart, so any act of kindness, even if it’s just a genuine smile, can make all the difference.
How can you make a difference today?
☾: “… you will experience a strong desire to innovate and be completely true to your own unique self”