Thoughts by Another Human
Thoughts by Another Human
episode #8: know how to eat, live, and heal yourself properly
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:12

episode #8: know how to eat, live, and heal yourself properly

the four temperaments ( apothecary podcast)

Who are you?

Do you know?

Do you really know? (I'm raising my eyebrows at you when asking this question ^^)

Are you interested in really knowing who you are; and understanding yourself on a fundamental level so you can take that knowledge and thrive as a human being on a physical, mental, and spiritual level?


Well… there are a couple ways you can figure out that base knowledge; one way is Traditional Western Medicine and knowing your temperament.

In previous episodes, we talked about traditional holistic healing systems, particularly Traditional Western Medicine and how it’s rooted in the understanding of how we as humans as a whole relate and respond to the environment around us, as well as how we function to ensure health and well-being.

We dove into the Seven Natural Things that constitute the nature of human beings, to which all need to be in balance in order for health and prosperity.

The first of the Seven Natural Things is the basic makeup of all that is the universe: the Four Elements.

  • Air

  • Fire

  • Earth

  • Water

The second of the Seven Natural Things are the primary components of the human body in reflection of the four elements.

These are the Four Humors, or the four vital fluids:

  • The Sanguine humor, or Blood, in reflection of Air

  • The Choleric humor, or Yellow Bile, in reflection of Fire

  • The Melancholic humor, or Black Bile, in reflection of Earth

  • The Phlegmatic humor, or Phlegm, in reflection of Water

The third of the Seven Natural Things is the basic nature of a human being which includes physique, personality, and physiological makeup; aka the Four Temperaments.

The Four Temperaments are named after a particular humor and is characterized by prevalence of that humor and its associated qualities. Each of us has our own unique balance of humors and qualities that make up our temperament.

Before I go any further, I will interject and say: none of this is medical advice, I am merely educating you and myself on the traditional practices of healing.

Okay… onward!

Knowing your temperament will help you know how to eat, live, and heal yourself properly to ensure health, vitality, and disease prevention.

The Four Temperaments are:

  • Sanguine Temperament - characterized by its dominate humor, Blood, which has hot and moist Primary Qualities, and reflects the Air element

  • Choleric Temperament - characterized by its dominate humor, Yellow Bile, which has hot and dry Primary Qualities, and reflects the Fire element

  • Melancholic Temperament - characterized by its dominate humor, Black Bile, which has cold and dry Primary Qualities, and reflects the Earth element

  • Phlegmatic Temperament - characterized by its dominate humor, Phlegm, which has cold and moist Primary Qualities, and reflects the Water element

Each temperament has certain physical, physiological, and personality characteristics that can be associated with them. Keep in mind these characteristics were established thousands of years ago so some of them may make you raise an eyebrow or two (^^), but compare it to yourself and see. Also, just because you can see yourself in any of these temperaments, doesn't mean everything under that temperament will apply/happen to you, as even though there are four basic temperaments, we are all unique in our own ways.

Okay… onward again!

Let’s start with the Sanguine Temperament.

Those with a Sanguine Temperament dominating typically have:

  • Physically: an oval-shaped face, well-formed lips, almond-shaped eyes (usually brown but not always), and a long, graceful neck. Typically, their body type is moderate, not too fat but not too thin, not too tall but not too short. They have smooth, warm feeling skin and are usually hairy, especially men. Hair is typically thick and wavy and dark, but sometimes blondish.

  • Physiologically: good appetite that usually prefers fulfilling, rich foods; their digestion is quick and balanced but sometimes overwhelmed by a lot of food. Metabolism is usually balanced, but their digestive, respiratory and genitourinary mucus can be problem areas. They tend to have disorders of the blood including diabetes, high cholesterol, and uremia (accumulation of waste in the blood). Asthma, congestion, genital disorders, skin conditions, hypersensitivity, and heavy menstruation in women are common. Urine tends to be bright yellow and feces tends to be well formed, not too soft or hard.

  • Personality/Mentally: sleep is usually sound and may produce snoring, with dreams of a bright, merry sort; usually of a fun, romantic, or comedic sort. Sense of judgment is well-formed, with a positive outlook on life and great social skills. Those with a dominating Sanguine Temperament tend to be outgoing, confident, graceful, optimistic, cheerful, sociable and lighthearted. They can be foolish and inconsistent, but also kind and sensual. The Sanguine Temperament is the most childlike, but also the most desirable temperament as its dominating humor (blood) is the essence of health and vitality, so when it’s balanced, life is prolonged and old age is kept at bay.

Those with a Choleric Temperament dominating typically have:

  • Physically: sharp, angular features, high cheekbones and twinkling, penetrating eyes. Their body type is usually athletic and lean, with prominent veins and medium height. Hair is often curly but can be thin, and ranges from blonde to reddish to black. They have rough, dry but warm skin that’s usually reddish or yellowish depending on if heat or bile dominates.

  • Physiologically: their appetite is sharp and typically enjoy salty, meaty, and/or spicy foods; especially food that tantalizes their taste buds. Digestion is also sharp and can digest anything when balanced, though acid-reflux and gastritis is common. Metabolism is pretty fast and active, with a quick digestion-to-bowel-movement transit; though inflammatory reactions are typically strong. They tend to have GI tract disorders such as hyper-acidity, ulcers and inflammation. Headaches, eye-strain, fevers, rashes, fatty liver, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disorders, and stress disorders are common. Urine tends to be dark and warm and feces tends to be loose with foul odor. They’re usually sensitive to hot weather and sweat profusely with strong body odor.

  • Personality/Mentally: sleep is often restless and disturbed through the night, especially when stressed or suffering from indigestion; with dreams of fighting, fire, or red things common. Sense of ideation is well-formed, with original, visionary intellect and brilliant insight. Those with a dominating Choleric Temperament tend to be courageous, individualistic, quick-witted, irritable, impatient, short-tempered, dramatic, fearless, and confrontative. They can be thrill seekers and driven by challenge and tend to enjoy playing sports and taking action rather than resting. The Choleric Temperament is the most active of them all.

Those with a Melancholic Temperament dominating typically have:

  • Physically: a square or rectangular-shaped face with hollow cheeks, small calculating eyes, and thin lips. Their body type tends to be slender and thin, with knobby bones and prominent veins common. They typically have good muscle tone with a long rib-cage. Hair is often thick and straight, typically ranging from dark blonde to brunette. Body hair is usually little. They have rough, cool skin usually with callouses.

  • Physiologically: their appetite varies, especially depending on their mental and emotional state, with digestion being somewhat poor and irregular, again varying on their mental and emotional state. Gas and bloating is common. Metabolism is often slow but can be erratic, typically nutrient-deficient. They tend to have digestive disorders such as constipation and abdominal distension. Anorexia, anemia, dehydration, poor immunity, arthritis, vertigo, anxiety and depression are common. Urine tends to be clear and feces tends to be hard and compact or broken and irregular.

  • Personality/Mentally: sleep is often difficult and light, typically suffering from insomnia; and dreams are usually dark, frightful and disturbing. Attention to detail is well-formed with a highly analytical and retentive mindset. Those with a dominating Melancholic Temperament tend to be practical, realistic, dependable, philosophical, moody, and withdrawn. They can be serious, high-strung and attached to material things, as well as mistrustful and stubborn. The Melancholic Temperament is the most problematic, but also the most knowledgeable and intellectual.

Those with a Phlegmatic Temperament dominating typically have:

  • Physically: a round, full face with dimpled cheeks, large eyes, with pug noses common. Their body type tends to be on the heavier side, with a stout, often pudgy frame, dimpled joints, and swollen ankles and feet. Women typically have large, heavy breasts. (As a member of the itty bitty committee, I am jealous). Hair is often light, usually blonde, with light body hair as well. They have soft, moist, usually pale skin.

  • Physiologically: their appetite is slow but works steadily; typically gravitating towards sweets, dairy, and starchy food. Digestion is also slow and steady but can be sluggish and result in the feeling of drowsiness after eating. Their metabolism is cold and slow and likes to conserve energy. They tend to have poor circulation, especially with their lymphatic system. Congestion, water retention, hypothyroidism, kidney hypo-function, obesity, chronic respiratory disorders, and cellulite common. Urine tends to be clear and scant and feces tend to be well-formed but on the looser side. They tend to sweat easily, especially cool, clammy sweat on their hands and feet.

  • Personality/Mentally: sleep is typically deep and sound, with loud snoring and over-sleeping common; dreams usually relaxed and dull with water themes common. Sense of empathy is well-formed, with a calm, good-natured mindset. Those with a Phlegmatic Temperament tend to be patient, loyal, kind, compassionate, emotional, passive, indifferent, and religiously or spiritually inclined. They can be slow learners with a forgetful memory, and also sluggish regarding life (more adverse to exercise and quick action) with a more "take life easy" attitude. The Phlegmatic Temperament is the coldest and most passive but also the most gentle and calmest.

Rarely is anyone completely one temperament; majority of people have two temperaments dominating, while some have three temperaments dominating and one weak one.

It's pretty freakin’ fascinating if you ask me, because I see myself strongly having a Sanguine temperament, with Melancholic and Phlegmatic tones. I'm curious which temperament(s) you see yourself as. Let me know in the comments!

If you're wanting to find out officially, I have a little holistic health platform that calculates exactly that. I got this formula from one of my great mentors, David Osborn. This platform (coming soon) will help you know what specific diet, lifestyle choices, and herbs you should incorporate to ensure a more balanced and strengthened vitality unique to you.

Are you ready to meet yourself?

Learn more

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