Last episode, I spoke to women about love, real true love, and what it takes to obtain it. Today, I want to talk to men, because men deserve attention too.
Did you know, according to the CDC, the suicide rate among men was approximately four times higher than the rate among women in 2022?
Four times higher.
Yet, if you scroll on any social media platform, you'll come across men-hating content within minutes. Minutes! Why? The entirety of the male population does not deserve hate just because one (or multiple) happened to fuck up (and I've known many fucked up men). Men need love, too.
But, just like I told us women, love starts with you. You are not going to find what you're looking for sleeping around, drinking yourself into oblivion, or in that porno. You need to take yourself seriously and own up to the fact that you dictate your life, no one else. You are here for a reason, and it's not for sex or money, but for a specific purpose that breeds stability, protection, and passionate fun for you, your family, and the collective.
As men, you are like the Sun, naturally radiating with bright, strong energy, being what the world needs to live, be free, and have silly fun. As men, you are like Mars, naturally moving the world with passionate, bold energy, maintaining the momentum of forward movement, progress, and success. But, as men, it's important to access that gentle, calm energy of the feminine, both within yourself and through your partner, your mother, and lady friends in order to balance that fiery energy within you. Let that energy get out of control and you’re left with nothing but the destruction you caused. Let that energy die out and you’re left with the shell of what "could be" eating away at your soul.
It is essential to take care of yourself. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What would be the purpose of striving and reaching your goals when you can't even look at yourself in the mirror and love who you see? Then you expect someone else to take care of you and love who they're with? I think not my friend, I think not.
I know it must be annoying (and hurtful) to hear "I hate men" comments from random strangers, shit, even loved ones (honestly, the amount of women who say "I hate men" whilst in relationships with men is astonishing...). So, on behalf of these women, I'm sorry. I really am.
You are needed, you are loved, you are wanted.
But my God, for the sake of humanity and the continuation of our species, stop treating women like shit. We are not punching bags for your emotions. Women want to be with someone they feel comfortable, safe, and secure with. We don't want to wear the pants, we want to be swept off our feet and feel like your protected queen. If her juices ain't flowin' (you know what I’m talking about), you just may be the reason and I'm so serious about that. I'm not talking about the motion of your ocean, I'm talking emotions and security. Safety and being able to relax in your presence is a real, serious thing for women in every aspect of life so if you're not cultivating that (especially for someone you say you love), there will be problems.
Even moreso, stop treating yourself like shit. If you don't heal that trauma with your mother, or your father, or "the one that got away", or that cheating ex, or even yourself, you will never be happy, and life will never feel satisfying. Point blank period. Face your shit head on so you can get to the other side, to the life you actually want to live. You are not going to find the answers to your problems in the vagina of the goddess at the bar, or at the bottom of that drink. There's a reason you feel empty afterwards and its got everything to do with you. I'm not saying everything that’s happened to you is your fault, but it's your duty to have the emotional and mental strength to get through woes and wanes.
Allow yourself to feel your emotions instead of letting them build to the point of explosion, or implosion. You're allowed to cry and feel things other than anger and horniness. Crying doesn't make you less than - in fact, the more you allow yourself to feel, the easier it gets to overcome. Any man who calls you a bitch for crying are bitches themselves for not understanding the human condition. Give yourself the space to ask for help and be open to actually receiving it. You are the protectors of society, of women and children, but you are not meant to do everything on your own, so let people help you. Have the courage to admit your mistakes, your grievances, and even your wants. Focus your efforts within, to the boy who wants to be recognized, and make yourself proud first. Strive for a legacy built on hard work, confidence, and love rather than manipulation, jealousy, and selfishness. Make realistic goals for yourself and do the work to succeed.
Your character is what'll go down in history, not your good looks, or your sex game, or the number in your bank account. Doesn't matter if you're in Hong Kong, New York City, or London; doesn't matter if you're White, Asian, or Black. The way you treat yourself and others is the most important thing.
It starts with you.
It starts with love.
Life is a precious gift we've all been blessed to receive, and is incredibly worth it. You are worth it. It's time to act like it in a respectable and humble way.
Be brave enough to act like it.
Tune I feel jives well with this episode:
Podcast Playlist featuring all episode tunes:
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